
The Hidden Observer in Consciousness

What might human consciousness have to do with quantum physics?

For those of you who can read German, you might be interested in my publications:

Schmid GB (2015) Entstehung des Bewusstseins: Hypothese zur Rolle von Gliazellen, verzweigten Nervenenden und Dendritenarmen (On the Origins of Consciousness: Hypothesis as to the Roll of Glia Cells, multi-branched Nerve Endings and Dendrites). Schweizerische Zeitschrift für GanzheitsMedizin / Swiss Journal of Integrative Medicine 27(1):50-54.

Schmid GB (2016) Signalübertragung in den Nerven und die Quantum-Mind Hypothese (Transmission of Signals in Neurons and the Quantum Mind Hypnothesis). Schweizerische Zeitschrift für GanzheitsMedizin / Swiss Journal of Integrative Medicine submitted for publication.

Schmid GB (2015) Die Quantenwelt ist die Welt des Kleinkinds. Deutsche Zeitschrift für zahnärztliche Hypnose DZzH 21(2):6-13.

Schmid GB (2015) Klick! Warum wir manchmal etwas ahnen, das wir eigentlich nicht wissen können. Orell-Füssli, Zürich.


This is a cute explanation of dimensions by my favorite psychomathelogicus!

See also my short discussion of Flatland entitled "Imagine you and I and everyone else were living in a two-dimensional world as flat geometrical beings" on my website via the link: Gary's Tips under the heading SOME VERY INTERESTING BOOKS.

The Science of Six Degrees of Separation - Veritasium

I also discuss this topic in my German-language popular science book:

Schmid GB (2015) Klick! Warum wir manchmal etwas ahnen, das wir eigentlich nicht wissen können. Orell-Füssli, Zürich.

See also my short discussion of this topic on my website via the link: Gary's Tips under the heading ANY TWO PERSONS ARE SEPARATED BY AT MOST 5 FRIENDSHIP LINKS.

"Without determined principals we are destined to stagnate as a civilization. This piece soberly presents the two sides to many issues facing modern society for what they are in their simplest terms." - Text from Vimeo (

Entering the ANTHROPOCENE means we need Open Science for Sustainability

We are entering the Anthropocene

(Text quoted from

"We are now a population of 7.4 billion people – approaching 10 billion by 2050. A population that needs to be fed, has growing energy needs, consumes, pollutes and pushes us into the era of the Anthropocene – the first period in the history of the planet in which a single species has placed basic earth systems and itself in danger.

"We rely on fossil fuels as our main energy source for manufacturing, heating and transport. CO2 emissions have spiked exponentially over the last 50 years and are changing the climate in potentially irreversible ways, leading to increasingly frequent extreme weather events, desertification and rising sea levels.

"As agriculture needs to keep up with an increasing demand for food, fresh water is becoming a scarce resource in parts of the world. Unsurprising when we consider that it requires 1,600 liters of water to make 1kg of bread or 16,000 liters of water to produce 1 kg of beef. Forests and grasslands are systematically destroyed. Overfishing is depleting our oceans and pollution leads to acidification, whipping out coral reefs oceans-wide. Scientists have declared this the era of the 6th mass extinction: we are rapidly and irreversibly losing large proportions of amphibians, birds and mammals due to human destruction of their biosphere.

"The demand for accelerated growth, lower prices and higher profits are stressing the ethics of all supply chains. Pollution and climate change have a very real impact on traditional economies and social structures: social and political instability, rapidly rising economic inequality, unsettled societies and mass migration.

"We face an existential crisis. Rising to this challenge requires a decisive push towards a sustainable society."